
The Mad Beat Of The Drums

Got it down to 88 photos now and have all the baby ones converted and perhaps put up tonight.  We will see.

In the mean time here is some Brazilian carnivale music I heard on the interweb that might be the most awesome thing I have ever heard.  It is all drums and all awesome.  Seriously, this is the bees knees.

Here is a description of the music from the most Brazilian person I know:

Axe is a type of music from the North East of Brasil where you visited i believe.  More specifically Salvador, Bahia.  It is the principal music played in "their" carnaval which is celebrated in a much different way that the Carnaval from Rio and Sao Paulo.  Their carnaval consistes of trio eletricos (electric trains) which are big trucks with stages mounted on top where Axe bands play music all night and the people - millions - follow the cars in a drunk, dancing, singing, fucking stupor for 5 days straight.  its crazy-ness and the wildest carnaval party in brazil which is saying alot.  Most tourists only go to the Rio Carnaval and think that is the greatest party on earth.  It doesn't compare to the Bahia one.  The Rio one is all show and performance and big costumes.  The bahia one is about music and partying hard - the crowd is also much younger. 

Late at night in an industrial district:


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