
Thursday and my lack of sleep was catching up with me or so I thought. I was feeling like a zombie but little did I realize how much worse it would get.

The angels with pizza on the way to work appear to be a permanent phenomenon. Nothing better for breakfast then an amazingly greasy piece of bread with meat shavings. And for only 2 quai, unbeatable I say.

In my apartment it is the second day of the posters which do not seem to be sanctioned. They keep getting put up and then torn down by the next morning. I wish I could read more Chinese so I could realize what they were saying.

For dinner I went to little sheep yet again with Michael and Hua. The taxi driver on the way over recognized me and was telling them how he had giving me a ride a couple of months ago. That was kind of bizarre, being that rememberable. Looks like I will have to be careful about what I do.

For dinner we had some duck’s blood in what I like to call, come on h5n1 I dare you. It was really good. This made me try to figure out what it is about non-muscle pieces of flesh that make them so good. Foie gras, blood, haggis, necks ... all non-muscle and all so damn tasty. Even fat is what makes muscle so tasty. Pretty soon it is going to be too warm for hot pot and that will be a sad day indeed.

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