
14 / 14.85

I am back alive and completely without pictures. I fooled myself into thinking I would be able to take some shots while in Vegas but it did not work out quite like I imagined. Sorry for the delay in posting since I got back but one of the numbers in the title is how many hours of sleep I got in 4 nights of Vegas. The other is how much I walked home with in gambling.

That was the first big surprise of the weekend, I actually won money in Vegas. Not a lot but enough to be positive for the first time in my life. I was lucky enough to find a 4-8 limit table with poker players even worse than myself. I also made my first (and maybe last) sports bet. That shit is addictive. I know just enough about sports to make it feel like I could make a killing in sports betting but would probably just end up getting killed.

The rest of the weekend was chock full of firsts. First time shooting guns. I know I have sold out and am going to a special hell where I have to listen to gun control advocates tell me about the dangers of guns for eternity. Shooting was a lot of fun. I fired a M5, shotgun and glock .45. It was fun in a video game way though. I still am not really sure why guns are necessary in real life and what would be hurt by completely preventing them from existing (Not possible I know).

I had another bunch of clever firsts but it is getting late and this is the latest I have been up since last Saturday. Maybe I will remember them and you will get the unique pleasure of hearing them live and in person. Feed me alcohol and at least I will make up a good story.


Anonymous said...

I heard recently that the NRA spends more money on lobbying politicians. This came from an NPR commentary where they pointed out that in Virginia if you want certain medications you have to first see a doctor and get his blessing because, you know, you could get hurt. On the other hand if you want a gun you just go and get it.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, my last comment should read "the NRA spends more money on lobbying politicians *than the pharmaceudical industry*".

justified justin said...

I could see that. Although I heard the NRA is losing some power as a lobby.